Professional Associations

As an association professional, you want to serve your members and leaders while advancing your organization’s cause. You don’t want to worry about managing members’ data. Cloud-native apps managed by Big Armor can protect and organize data and enhance member engagement at home or around the world. Our experience in this arena includes developing and hosting a member directory for an association with more than 100,000 members globally. We have integrated professional license data from 50+ states and territories, integrated industry data providers, built business to association APIs, and supported our customers rapid regulatory change management.

Government / Defense / Intel

Organizations that work with an ever-increasing and constant flow of data look to Big Armor for data processing and security. Real-time data integration allows government, defense and intelligence agencies to continuously track and mine data as it’s collected. Artificial intelligence (AI) software and services allow for the critical predictive work of deep machine learning. At Big Armor, our work with government, defense and intelligence agencies includes: Real-time data integration, Deep-Learning, AI-as-a-Service, Migrating to the Cloud


From treatment options to patient records to the cost of care, data in the healthcare sector streams in from countless sources. Managing and securing that data is critically important. One way Big Armor has helped healthcare professionals involves our work with continuing professional development for pharmacists. We’re here to serve those who serve patients. Contact us today to discuss your need for cloud services.


Cloud computing is enticing for those in the finance industry — and for good reason. In addition to managing customer data, the cloud offers easy scalability for agile operations, new ways to provide customization and innovation, and enhanced analytics, all with an upgrade in security over localized systems. In the finance sector, Big Armor has helped clients increase engagement with clients. For finance companies, the investment in cloud computing offers great rewards. Let us talk you through the process of moving to the cloud.